Feb 16, 2023 • Deep Dive
Behind the Scenes of Brew Day!
Earlier this month, members of the Brew Crew were able to get a behind the scenes look (and taste) of our 2023 International Women’s Day beer, She The People, at our Brew Day!
Each year, the Bev & Brew crew members design and brew a beer with the Pink Boots Society Hop Blend to help honor the accomplishments of women and non-binary individuals in the brewing industry and give back to the Pink Boots Society, a non-profit organization in the brewing industry. We got to see the magic happen and wanted to take you along for the day!
Lauren Appleman, our Lab Manager, and Emily Siddall, one of our Brewers, did an incredible job explaining and demonstrating how the brewing process works. The day started off with hands-on training of our grist analysis, followed by sampling wort, participating in a hop sensory analysis, learning about yeast, and hearing about this year’s unique recipe development.
Our Brew Crew was able to be immersed in the brewing process. From taste-testing the white wheat, munich, and pilsner malts in production, to sensory training with the hops that were used in the Pink Boots Blend this year, overall it was a fun and educational experience for all those who attended.
At the end of the day, the team was able to sample what our She The People beer is going to taste like and let us tell you… this is one you won’t want to miss!
The style for She The People was voted on by the brew crew, where an overwhelming majority voted for… *drumroll please* … a Hoppy Saison Ale with Black Tea! The beer releases exclusively in the Tasting Room on Wednesday, March 8th (International Women’s Day) at 12pm with a celebration to follow that afternoon. Save the date, come celebrate with us, and help give back! A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this beer goes to the Pink Boots Society, an organization that provides scholarships that assist with professional development and education of women and non-binary people in the brewing industry.
Cheers to another year of this beer!